Rain can change the fate of thousands of people from the moment it starts to fall. A few seconds of shaking can leave countless people homeless and in need. When faced with such a situation, as Hiranur Association, we immediately set up a crisis desk at our headquarters and send teams from nearby cities affected by natural disasters to provide urgent aid materials to search and rescue teams and victims of natural disasters. With our mobile kitchen, we provide hot meals to both our affected brothers and sisters and search and rescue teams.
Our mobile kitchens have a capacity to serve up to 15,000 people per day. The more support you give, the more we strive to increase our capacity at Hiranur Association.
As Hiranur Association teams, we continue to carry out search and rescue efforts in the region and pass on the support you send to our affected brothers and sisters until the crisis is over. After the crisis is over, we implement our projects again to be able to heal the needs of our brothers and sisters.
Our team that produces hot meals for disaster victims and rescue teams is waiting for your support...
Natural disasters are dangerous and large-scale events that cause uncontrollable loss of life and property, largely beyond human control. In a moment of strength, a person can become completely dependent on everything.
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