Why are we helping Yemen?
Yemen is a Muslim country located in the Asian continent, in other words, in the Arabian Peninsula. With the effect of the Arab Spring in 2011, the dismissal of the country's president caused internal conflicts in the country. We are in Yemen with your donations, as many people are left homeless and unemployed due to the destruction caused by the internal conflicts in the country, and because of their conversion to Islam.
Yemen It is a country mentioned in the hadiths of Muhammad. In the direction of making Yemen blessed by Allah, Hz. There is a hadith narrated by Umar. There is also another hadith that the wall will be blown over Yemen on the Day of Judgment.
Apart from these, Yemen Hz. It is among the countries that Muhammad sent envoys for the spread of Islam. For this reason, it is among the countries that are important for Muslims. Aid to this country, which is in misery today, will bring rewards to Muslims for helping the country that is the relic of the Prophet. That's why Yemen is always our red line.
It is a miracle that the hungry people in Yemen can find meat.
For this reason, qurban donations are a source of great happiness for the people. In addition, it is possible with the help of people who have health problems due to malnutrition to eat meat. In order to donate qurbans to Yemen, the determined qurban fee must be deposited into the accounts of the association.
A votive is a sacrifice that is sacrificed to gain the consent of Allah (C.C), even though it is not compulsory. It is obligatory for the person who dedicates the sacrifice to sacrifice the votive sacrifice in the event that anything that a person wishes from Allah comes true. It is recommended that votive sacrifices tied to the fulfillment of anything be slaughtered without delay after the condition is fulfilled. The votive sacrifices made without any conditions can be sacrificed at any time. We are helping you to fulfill your duty by mediating the sacrifices you will sacrifice.
Our Holy Prophet (PBUH) Akika sacrifice, which is a sunnah of the Prophet Muhammad (S.A.V.), is sacrificed with the intention of thanking Allah for newborn children. It is recommended that Muslim families who have the opportunity to perform this sunnah should slaughter the aqiqa qurban. It is recommended to sacrifice Akika on the 7th day after the child is born. However, depending on the financial situation of the family, it can be cut until the child reaches the age of puberty. With this intention, Hiranur Science and Service Association acts as an intermediary for the Akika victims that you will slaughter domestically. We are instrumental in the fulfillment of the Sunnah of the Prophet.
Thanksgiving Sacrifice is sacrificed to thank Allah (C.C) on any occasion. When a person achieves his goal or receives happy news, he can sacrifice a thanksgiving sacrifice in order to thank Allah. On this occasion, we, as the Hiranur Science and Service Association, act as an intermediary in the gratitude sacrifices you will slaughter in the country.
The crisis in Yemen has been going on for years. In Yemen, where millions of people have difficulty in reaching food, 7 thousand people died due to the civil war. 3 million people had to leave their homes. So let's remember our brothers and sisters in Yemen, the land of poverty and misery, with our sacrifice.
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