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Kurban Bayramı is a blessed day where people's feelings of solidarity and sharing intensify, and love and brotherhood ties strengthen. Therefore, while performing our sacrifice worship, we should not forget our needy brothers and sisters..

By making your sacrifice donations through Hiranur Association, you can also make needy families happy. Your donations will be carefully managed and utilized in all processes such as sacrifice and distribution of meat.

Remember, the sacrifice worship is not just a habit. With this worship, we not only get closer to Allah, but also strengthen the solidarity and brotherhood ties between people. With your sacrifice donations, you can contribute to the strengthening of these brotherhood ties.

As Hiranur Association, we would like to express that we are always by the side of anyone in need. With your support, we will continue to create a stronger and more solidarity community.

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In our religion, there are kinds of sacrifices that are sacrificed with the intention of worship. These types of sacrifices are:


What does vajib victim mean?
It is the sacrifice that is sacrificed on Eid al-Adha. It is the sacrifice of the obligatory sacrifice on Eid-al-Adha (until the evening on the 1st, 2nd and 3rd days of the feast). Sacrifices slaughtered at other times do not replace the sacrifice sacrificed on the feast of sacrifice. Not even if his intention is a feast sacrifice. It has to be cut on holidays.

What does votive sacrifice mean?
It is the obligatory sacrifice when the condition promised by the person who dedicates a sacrifice that he will slaughter as a result of the fulfillment of a condition is fulfilled.

What does Akika sacrifice mean?
It is the sacrifice sacrificed by a person whose child has just been born, in order to thank Allah in the early days of birth. It is mustahab to sacrifice this qurban, that is, it is not ordered to be slaughtered, but it brings rewards when it is done.

What does gratitude mean?
It is the sacrifice that a person sacrifices in order to be grateful for a blessing that Allah has bestowed upon him. Thankfully, it is mustahab to sacrifice a sacrifice, that is, it is not ordered to be slaughtered, but it brings rewards when it is slaughtered.

Is there a type of sacrifice called a dead victim?
Sacrifice is an obligatory act of worship performed by those who live and fulfill the necessary conditions to gain Allah's approval. In other words, there is no worship like sacrificing on behalf of the dead. However, some scholars have allowed the sacrifice to be donated to a deceased person.

Is it possible to sacrifice an animal by proxy?
Yes, the person who does not slaughter his victim for any reason, and therefore will cut it through other people or institutions, can give power of attorney to that person or institution. Power of attorney can be given face to face, orally over the phone or in writing.


Your sacrifice power of attorney can be obtained from our head office, association branches, participation bank accounts or online via our website.